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Current Vacancies

Corporate Services

Corporate Governance Officer

Cardiff/Llandudno Junction (Hybrid Working)

Job Ref
Cardiff/Llandudno Junction (Hybrid Working)
£34,081 - £36,034

Corporate Governance Officer
Cardiff/Llandudno Junction (Hybrid Working)

About Us

At Social Care Wales, we provide leadership and expertise in social care and early years in Wales. Our vision is to make a positive difference to care and support for children, adults, and their families and carers.

To achieve this, we lead on developing and regulating the social care workforce, service improvement, and data and research to improve care. Through our quality assurance work, we support social work educators in both education and practice settings, ensuring the highest level of training for the next generation of social workers.

We are now looking for a Corporate Governance Officer to join us for a one-year fixed-term contract. 36 hours a week are available but we can discuss flexible working.

The Benefits

- Salary of £34,081 - £36,034 per annum
- 28 days’ holiday plus bank holidays (increasing with length of service)
- Extra days off between Christmas and New Year
- Local government pension scheme
- Flexi work policy
- Hybrid working
- Family leave policy

The Role

As a Corporate Governance Officer, you will be responsible for ensuring effective governance and committee processes.

Supporting the Audit and Risk Committee and Remuneration Committee, you will oversee recruitment and development for committee members, manage internal audit reporting, and provide secretarial duties for meetings.

You will offer project co-ordination for internal working groups and support the Board Secretary when needed.

Additionally, you will:

- Monitor and update internal audit action logs
- Ensure compliance with governance best practices
- Draft and publish board briefings
- Manage governance reporting and secretarial duties for meetings
- Support project co-ordination across teams

About You

To be considered as a Corporate Governance Officer, you will need:

- A degree level education or relevant professional experience
- Experience supporting committees and internal meetings
- The ability to build and maintain effective working relationships
- Knowledge of governance and audit best practices
- Strong business reporting skills
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in both Welsh and English

The closing date for this role is 10th November 2024.

Other organisations may call this role Governance Manager, Committee Support Officer, or Corporate Governance Specialist.

Reasonable adjustments can be made at any stage of the recruitment process for candidates with a disability, impairment or health condition, for example who are neuro-divergent or who use British Sign Language. Please get in touch with the HR Team to discuss adjustments for any part of the process.

So, if you want to join us as a Corporate Governance Officer, please apply via the button shown. This vacancy is being advertised by Webrecruit. The services advertised by Webrecruit are those of an Employment Agency.

Corporate Services
Fixed Term Contract
36hrs a week full time available, but open to flexibility

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Gwella a Datblygu

Gweithiwr Proffesiynol Iechyd Meddwl Cymeradwy (AMHP) Rheolwr Cymunedol

Caerdydd/Cyffordd Llandudno (Gweithio Hybrid)

Job Ref
Caerdydd/Cyffordd Llandudno (Gweithio Hybrid)
£45,842 - £50,444

Gweithiwr Proffesiynol Iechyd Meddwl Cymeradwy (AMHP) Rheolwr Cymunedol
Caerdydd neu Gyffordd Llandudno (gyda gwaith hybrid)

Y Sefydliad

Mae Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru yn darparu arweinyddiaeth ac arbenigedd ym maes gofal cymdeithasol a’r blynyddoedd cynnar yng Nghymru.

Ein gweledigaeth yw gwneud gwahaniaeth cadarnhaol i ofal a chymorth i blant, oedolion a’u teuluoedd a’u gofalwyr.

I wneud hyn, rydym yn arwain ar ddatblygu a rheoleiddio’r gweithlu gofal cymdeithasol, gwella gwasanaethau a defnyddio data ac ymchwil i wella gofal.

Trwy ein gwaith sicrhau ansawdd, rydym yn cefnogi addysgwyr gwaith cymdeithasol mewn lleoliadau addysg ac ymarfer i ddarparu'r hyfforddiant gorau posibl i'r genhedlaeth nesaf o weithwyr cymdeithasol.

Rydym nawr yn chwilio am Reolwr Cymunedol AMHP i ymuno â ni ar sail amser llawn ar gyfer apwyntiad cyfnod penodol o ddwy flynedd, gyda'r posibilrwydd o secondiad. Cynigir y rôl hon gyda gweithio hyblyg a byddwn yn ystyried ymgeiswyr fel rhan o rannu swydd.

Y Manteision

- Cyflog o £45,842 - £50,444
- 28 diwrnod o wyliau ynghyd â gwyliau banc (cynyddu gyda hyd gwasanaeth)
- Diwrnodau ychwanegol i ffwrdd rhwng y Nadolig a'r Flwyddyn Newydd
- Cynllun pensiwn llywodraeth leol
- Polisi gwaith hyblyg
- Gweithio hybrid
- Polisi absenoldeb teuluol

Y Rôl

Fel Rheolwr Cymunedol AMHP, byddwch yn arwain y gwaith o gyflawni ein dulliau o gynllunio’r gweithlu ar draws y sector gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru.

Byddwch yn cefnogi datblygiad ein platfform cymunedol, man lle gall ymarferwyr ac ymchwilwyr drafod syniadau, rhannu adnoddau a dod o hyd i ddigwyddiadau. Byddwch yn darparu arbenigedd rheoli cymunedol, yn cynhyrchu cynnwys a deunyddiau dysgu ac yn hwyluso digwyddiadau yn seiliedig ar anghenion y gymuned.

Gan weithredu fel ffynhonnell arbenigedd iechyd meddwl y gymuned, byddwch yn darparu cynnwys ac adnoddau ac yn helpu i wreiddio ein dull o gefnogi pobl sy’n gweithio ym maes gofal cymdeithasol i ddefnyddio ymchwil a thystiolaeth o ansawdd uchel.

Yn ogystal, byddwch yn ymgysylltu â chydweithwyr a sefydliadau ac yn meithrin perthnasoedd gwaith â phartneriaid.

Amdanoch Chi

Er mwyn cael eich ystyried yn Rheolwr Cymunedol AMHP, bydd angen y canlynol arnoch:

- Profiad o weithio ym maes iechyd neu ofal cymdeithasol
- Profiad o feithrin perthnasoedd cydweithredol a phartneriaethau ffurfiol gyda rhanddeiliaid allanol
- Sgiliau meithrin perthynas a dylanwadu
- Dealltwriaeth o ddeddfwriaeth berthnasol gan gynnwys Deddf Iechyd Meddwl 1983, Deddf Galluedd Meddyliol 2005 a Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant 2014
- Dealltwriaeth o gyd-destun polisi Cymru a sut mae gwasanaethau cymdeithasol a gofal cymdeithasol yn cael eu trefnu, eu hariannu a'u darparu yng Nghymru
- Cymhwyster ASW / AMHP (neu gyfwerth)

Dyddiad cau: 04 Tachwedd 2024

Gall sefydliadau eraill alw'r rôl hon yn Rheolwr Ymgysylltu Cymunedol, neu'n Rheolwr Cymunedol.

Gellir gwneud addasiadau yn ystod unrhyw ran o'r broses recriwtio ar gyfer ymgeiswyr ag anabledd, nam neu gyflwr iechyd, sy'n niwro-wahanol neu sy'n defnyddio Iaith Arwyddion Prydain. Cysylltwch â’r tim Adnoddau Dynol i drafod addasiadau ar gyfer unrhyw ran o'r broses.

Felly, i ymuno â ni fel Rheolwr Cymunedol AMHP, gwnewch gais trwy'r botwm a ddangosir. Mae'r swydd wag hon yn cael ei hysbysebu gan Webrecruit. Mae'r gwasanaethau a hysbysebir gan Webrecruit yn rhai Asiantaeth Gyflogaeth.

Gwella a Datblygu
Amser llawn
Contract Cyfnod Penodol
36 awr ond yn hyblyg

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Improvement and Development

Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) Community Manager

Cardiff/Llandudno Junction (Hybrid Working)

Job Ref
Cardiff/Llandudno Junction (Hybrid Working)
£45,842 - £50,444

Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) Community Manager
Cardiff or Llandudno Junction (with hybrid working)

The Organisation

At Social Care Wales, we provide leadership and expertise in social care and early years in Wales.

Our vision is to make a positive difference to care and support for children, adults and their families and carers.

To do this, we lead on developing and regulating the social care workforce, service improvement, data and research to improve care.

Through our quality assurance work, we support social work educators in education and practice settings to deliver the very best training possible to the next generation of social workers.

We are now looking for an AMHP Community Manager to join us on a full-time basis for a two year fixed term appointment, with potential for a secondment. This role is offered with flexible working and we will consider candidates as part of a job share.

The Benefits

- Salary of £45,842 - £50,444
- 28 days’ holiday plus bank holidays (increasing with length of service)
- Extra days off between Christmas and New Year
- Local government pension scheme
- Flexi work policy
- Hybrid working
- Family leave policy

The Role

As an AMHP Community Manager, you will lead the delivery of our approaches to workforce planning across the social care sector in Wales.

You’ll support the development of our community platform, a place where practitioners and researchers can discuss ideas, share resources and find events. You’ll provide community management expertise, produce content and learning materials and facilitate events based on the needs of the community.

Acting as the community’s source of mental health expertise, you’ll deliver content and resources and help to embed our approach to supporting people working in social care to utilise high-quality research and evidence.

Additionally, you’ll engage with colleagues and organisations and build working relationships with partners.

About You

To be considered as an AMHP Community Manager, you will need:

- Experience working in health or social care
- Experience building collaborative relationships and formal partnerships with external stakeholders
- Relationship-building and influencing skills
- An understanding of relevant legislation including the Mental Health Act 1983, The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and The SSWB Act 2014
- An understanding of the Welsh policy context and how social services and social care is organised, funded and delivered in Wales
- An ASW / AMHP qualification (or equivalent)

Closing date: 04 November 2024

Other organisations may call this role Community Engagement Manager, or Community Manager.

Reasonable adjustments can be made at any stage of the recruitment process for candidates with a disability, impairment or health condition, for example who are neuro-divergent or who use British Sign Language. Please get in touch with the HR Team to discuss adjustments for any part of the process.

So, to join us as an AMHP Community Manager, please apply via the button shown. This vacancy is being advertised by Webrecruit. The services advertised by Webrecruit are those of an Employment Agency.

Improvement and Development
Full Time
Fixed Term Contract
36hrs a week full time available, but open to flexibility

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